Cultivating a self-sufficient way of living.

Though "farm" is in our name, we are really a small homestead in the Triangle area of North Carolina.  We strive to return to a more natural way of living. Raising our own food, harvesting native plants, gathering resources our land provides, and sharing with our local community. Our goats, chickens, and bees are helping us every day in so many ways to achieve this goal and we would love to share our story and products with you.

our farm residents

Life on the farm...

Commercial Free Entertainment

What genre of performance do you prefer? Comedy, drama, action, and even sometimes horror...we have it all right outside our windows. From bee acrobatics and dancing roosters to goat parkour. Never ending entertainment, no electricity required.

Fruit is Nature's Candy

Fresh fruit directly from the tree or vine is so wonderful.  And our bees love them too.  We are currently growing some of our favorites; apples, pears, peaches, cherries, figs, lemons, mandarin oranges, avocadoes, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.

Bountiful Land

It is always worth the time to take a nature walk.  And sometimes you can find amazing things growing wild on your farm.  Abundant berries (blue, black, and black raspberry as well as strawberry), muscadine grapes, persimmon, black cherry, and a variety of nuts, mushrooms, and medicinal weeds have all been found and harvested right in our backyard!

**Disclaimer - Numerous plants can be deadly. Never consume any foraged food item without the proper and confirmed identification

A veggie a day...

Growing the food you love to eat is a special privilege that nature gives to everyone who is willing to get a little dirt under their nails. We are grateful to be able to pick fresh produce right outside our door.  We currently use traditional, organic, and hydroponic methods to grow the food that we produce here on the farm.